Author: Gaspar Berbel  
PhD from the UAB 
Trainer and researcher
(ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9042-2922)

Reference book:
“Paola learns statistics. From a personal learning environment”
(3rd ed.)Gaspar Berbel (2020).

ESTATest shows which statistical test to perform for each combination of two variables.

ESTATest is an intuitive and easy-to-use mobile application. Intended for any student, teacher, researcher or data analyst who needs to relate variables (perform hypothesis contrast tests, bivariate relationship tests). The app guides you in the process of decision, realization and interpretation, in a very simple and intuitive way.

The application is available for Android and iOS devices.


First it will ask you to mark the variables that you intend to relate to each other, their typology (categorical with two categories or more, or numerical or metric – quantitative), once the combination has been entered, the app will ask you some filter-type questions to determine the conditions of application, depending on the type of test, in relation to the supposed following of the normal law by the distributions or metric variables in play, or about the number of cases expected in a relationship procedure between categorical –Chi square. In some case, the app will ask you about the type of design of the variables to continue determining, with precision and accuracy, the type of test appropriate to carry out the requested relationship. Once all the filters have been applied – which the user can go through by default, marking the most common or expected situation, in case the user does not know the application assumptions – the app It will indicate the test or statistical procedure to apply to see the possible association (relationship) between the variables. The tests that will be proposed when the application conditions are met are the following: Chi square, t-test independent measures, t-test related measures, anova, correlation... In this case we are dealing with parametric tests - when the metric variable follows the normal law , or we assume so. In the event that this is not the case, when the metric variable in play does not follow the normal law - case of non-parametric tests - the app will propose the following tests: Mann Whitney U, Wilcoxon T, Kruskal Wallis test, Spearman correlation. 

The app Not only does it propose the test to be carried out, but it also allows you to watch a short video explaining how the statistical procedure is carried out and how it is interpreted, carried out with the IBM-SPSS statistical package. The videos last between one and two minutes.